
Driftwood iPhone Charger

Driftwood iPhone Charging Dock

The Driftwood iPhone Charging Dock “The epitome of modern electronic design is now paired up with the timeless, organic minimalism of nature. These docks for iPhone and iPod are handcrafted from natural driftwood, polished to a velvety smoothness by sand and surf before washing up on the stony shores of Maine.” – Materials: plastic, electrical […]

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Isotope Glowing Ring

Isotope Ring

Handmade in Sweden this ring begins to glow in any low light situation. They say “Wear it to bed and it will still be glowing when you get up for that 3am visit to the bathroom!” They’re custom made and take 2-3 weeks for delivery. $325 via The Fancy 0

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The Kitchen Scrap Trap

The Scrap Trap

Need. Can be used not only for scraps but say your cutting up a bunch of carrots or something, slide them in here and then pour into that big pot of homemade Chicken Noodle Soup. – Handy scrap bowl that fits under the counter, over the drawer or door – Scrap bowl holds 2 quarts […]

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Giraffe Bookends

Giraffe Bookends

“Made from solid steel, these bookends are heavy enough to hold up your reading collection. Sold in a set of two pieces, finished in hammered black.” Handmade so they take about 3 weeks to get to you. Pretty awesome. $55 from TheFancy 0

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Bad Ass Watches

“Lifestyle extreme watch company that transforms you from normal person to complete bad ass. Maybe you won’t become a bad ass, but the unique bold designs will put you into into a group who is.” I like the Street Black, Mayhem Gun Metal and Mayhem Silver. $160 to $220 at NovoWatch 2

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Cell Lock-Up

Cell Lock-Up

Imagine no more interruptions during family time, meals or meetings and no more distracting talking, texting, browsing or gaming. Just turn off everyone’s cell phone and place it in the Cell Lock-Up. Available from Amazon – $15.27 1

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Woodlands Moving Picture

Woodlands Moving Picture

Stand very still and watch the animals emerge from the forest. There Deer, the Raven, the Squirrel and more. But if you move…… gone in a flash just like in the real woods. We’ve got one in the office, it’s pretty awesome. $43 at Convenient Gadgets & Gifts 0

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Teardrop String Lights

Teardrop String Lights

Beautiful multi-colored teardrop string lights. “Set of 10 lanterns light up your patio, trims a window, or illuminates a porch, railing or deck. Beautifully detailed, each encased in a coppery teardrop shape with coppery petals at the top. Five replacement bulbs (incl.). Plugs into an AC outlet. Each lantern is 4″H and cord 119″L. Plastic.” […]

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Portal Dice

Portal Dice

Weighted Companion Cube Die “Based off of the infamous Weighted Companion Cube from Portal. This unique die (singular dice) is made layer by layer in a 3D printer and then fired to fuse the metal particles into solid steel. ” $29 on Etsy 0

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Hoodie Pillow

Hoodie Pillow

Awesome? Maybe. I mean we’re in the Northeast so we like a good hoodie as much as the next guy but on a pillow…. I’d have to try it. It might just be perfectly cozy. Try one out and let me know. Available in Grey, Blue, Red, Black, White and… wait for it….. patience…… Tan?!? […]

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Everlasting Portable Plant

Everlasting Plant

It’s a plant and it’s a project that will last a life time…. Okay well maybe not a lifetime but probably much longer than plants you might have in your cubicle at work or you would put in your child’ss room. You don’t have to worry about watering this plant and it’s beauty will show […]

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Colva Canopy DayBed

Colva Canopy Daybed

I know it’s the middle of winter, I long for the hot days of summer and I can imagine just how perfect a hot Saturday afternoon around the pool would be with a nice comfy nap in this Daybed. $1920 from Home Wet Bar 0

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HD Video Sunglasses

Video Recording Sunglasses

Forget attaching one of those cameras to your helmet, or your backpack or your handlebars or wherever. Instead go with these HD Video Camera sunglasses. Re-chargable and can store up to 400 minutes of video on a micro SD card that goes right into the frame. Can also take standard pictures. $159 from DynaSpy 0

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Hammacher Schlemmer Stay Out of My Room Alarm

Stay Out of My Room Alarm

Love it. What kid doesn’t want to know when his sister is snooping around his room? I’m confident any boy could think of a hundred uses for this, I know I could. Awesomely perfect for the boys. $40 at Hammacher Schlemmer 0

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DAYTRADER – A Financial Board Game

Daytrader is a financial board game that brings you the thrills and chills of investing in the stock market. This is your chance to become a fast thinking, investment-savvy day trader. Daytrader is a unique, educational and extremely fun for any casual occassion…. aw who cares you had me at ‘Daytrader board game’… want. $32 […]

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Seed Money**

Seed Money

Coins” that you plant that grow into wildflowers, herbs or vegetables. Each bag of 50 will include 20 pennies (wildflowers), 10 nickels (herbs), 10 dimes (root crops), and 10 quarters (salad greens). $16 from Uncommon Goods 0

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3D Fruit Memo Pads

3D Fruit Memo Pads

A set of 6 fruit memo pads; Green Apple, Red Apple, Pear, Orange, Pomegranate, Peach. Pads fold out to be 3D with “slices” of fruit detach from core for writing memos. Real fruit size: 4″-5″ diameter and height when opened. $10 on Amazon 0

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